
Blog Entries - 'Allergy'

Back to School Means Accurate Food Allergy Diagnosis and Management

Back to School Means Accurate Food Allergy Diagnosis and Management serves as a resource to those seeking education and support Eleanor Garrow Holding, president & CEO of FAACT, shares her perspective on the purpose and importance of developing a proper

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My Camp TAG Experience

My Camp TAG Experience

When my Mom told me about Camp TAG in Big Bear, California, I was excited to go to a summer camp where my worries about my food allergies wouldn’t go to camp with me. On my first day at camp, I met many new and

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College and Food Allergies

College and Food Allergies

by Elyse HahneExcitement is in the air as college is in the mind of many high school seniors. The thought of high school almost over is a huge accomplishment and college seems so far away. Being away from parents is

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Eleanor Garrow-Holding Honored for Commitment to Health Care and Nonprofits

Eleanor Garrow-Holding Honored for Commitment to Health Care and Nonprofits

The National Association of Professional Women (NAPW) honored Eleanor Garrow-Holding, FAACT founder and its current President & CEO, as a 2015-2016 Woman of the Year. The group recognized Eleanor with this distinction

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Three Tips for Surviving the Summer with Food Allergies

Three Tips for Surviving the Summer with Food Allergies

by Lauren Kossack I’ve always loved summer, but now that I’m a mom with school-aged children, my love for summer has grown as I cherish the time I get to spend with my boys. Each day is filled with so many

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When Embracing Positivity is Hard

When Embracing Positivity is Hard

by Kathy Thornburg I am all in favor of promoting positivity when it comes to living with food allergies. I don't want for my son to feel his life is limited or that he has less worth because of his medical and dietary

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Celebrating with Food Allergies: Happy Easter!

Celebrating with Food Allergies: Happy Easter!

by Sherri A. Svrcek, MA At every party there are two kinds of people – those who want to go home and those who don’t. The trouble is they are usually married to each other.  -Ann Landers It is

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Love Remembers Day: What It Means For All

Love Remembers Day: What It Means For All

A little over 10 years ago, I remember being a happy mom, feeling so fortunate to have my three children. My oldest had asthma concerns in his younger years but had stabilized well and life seemed good. Suddenly, in an

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Do You Hesitate?

Do You Hesitate?

by Sarah HoskinsonI am a creature of habit and routine. It simplifies life, knowing exactly what to expect each and every day. Some people may call this boring, but I call it secure and tranquil. The people who are

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Grocery Shopping with Food Allergies

Grocery Shopping with Food Allergies

by Natascia Simone, FAACT Young Adult/College Advisory Council Hello, everyone! I am back at school for my last semester of college! Time truly flies by, especially when I am always planning. Planning what I am going to

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