
Blog Entries - 'Camptag'

Linda Menighan

FAACT Welcomes New Member to the Leadership Team

Linda MenighanVice President of Programs In 2002, my 10-month-old daughter, Bailey, experienced the first of what turned out to be multiple, life-threatening allergic reactions to food. We had invited some friends over

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Getting to Know OWYN: Going the Extra Mile

Getting to Know OWYN: Going the Extra Mile

by Caroline Moassessi, OWYN Consultant "No one fully understands unless you live and breathe it yourself," Amy Feuerstein, shared, "you just can't have a little." A sentiment she remembered explaining to well-meaning

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Finding Support for Managing Food Allergies

Finding Support for Managing Food Allergies

by Stacey Stratton, FAACT’s Director of Publications When it comes to managing food allergies, there are a few areas you might feel you need some extra support. Here are just three, of the many areas where

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My Camp TAG Experience

My Camp TAG Experience

When my Mom told me about Camp TAG in Big Bear, California, I was excited to go to a summer camp where my worries about my food allergies wouldn’t go to camp with me. On my first day at camp, I met many new and

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What Camp TAG Means to Me

What Camp TAG Means to Me

As I ended my fifth year at Camp TAG, three of my campers ran up behind me to give me a hug. “See you next year, Emery!” one girl shouted as we embraced. I smiled, because a year wouldn’t really be

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