
Blog Entries - 'Self-Care'

Lisa Musician, RD, LDN

How Can Parents Best Partner with a School to Ensure Their Child’s Food Allergies are Managed Safely and Successfully?

by Lisa Musician, RD, LDN(Reshared from August 2017) For anyone sending a child off to school, it can be exciting, worrisome and challenging, especially when your child has a food allergy. Most parents are focused on

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Why Should Your Child Wear Medical ID?

Why Should Your Child Wear Medical ID?

Does your food allergic child wear a medical ID? Here is the importance and positives of why they should. We have our emergency action plan, a trusted allergist, and always carry two epinephrine auto injectors. All

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College to Career

College to Career with Food Allergies

I am currently in the midst of my last semester of my MBA in Healthcare Management at the University of Connecticut! Throughout my healthcare courses, I have gained a greater passion for the clinical aspect of the healthcare industry. I am eager to learn more about patient care.

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Risk-Taking and Teens with Food Allergies

Risk-Taking and Teens with Food Allergies

by Tiffany deSilva, MSW, LSW When you were a teenager, did your mother ever ask you the age-old question, “If all of your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump, too?” If adolescents answered this

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How Can Parents Best Partner with a School to Insure Their Child’s Food Allergies are Managed Safely and Successfully?

How Can Parents Best Partner with a School to Insure Their Child’s Food Allergies are Managed Safely and Successfully?

For anyone sending a child off to school, it can be exciting, worrisome and challenging, especially when your child has a food allergy. Most parents are focused on the educational aspects of their child’s school,

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Why Should Your Child Wear A Medical ID?

Why Should Your Child Wear A Medical ID?

Does your food allergic child wear a medical ID? Here is the importance and positives of why they should. We have our emergency action plan, a trusted allergist, and always carry two epinephrine auto injectors. All

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Is Your Child Off to College?

Is Your Child Off to College?

by Caroline Moassessi College acceptances are complete and now it is peanut-treenut-milk-egg-wheat-soy-fish-shellfish free and other allergens crunch time! The pedal is about to hit the metal and the last twelve years

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How Do You Celebrate Food Allergy Awareness Month?

How Do You Celebrate Food Allergy Awareness Month?

The entire month of May is Food Allergy Awareness Month with the bulk of the activities and special events taking place during Food Allergy Awareness Week, May 14-20, 2017. When we hear about food allergy awareness week

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