Showing Entries with tag "Teens"
Entry Tags (353 found)
10-Years 8th-Graders AAAAI Action-Plan Action-plan Activities Adolescents Adults Advocacy advocacy Allergen-Free Allergies allergies Allergy allergy Allergy Management Allergy Safety Kit Allergy Travel Essentials Allergy-Awareness Allergy-awareness Allergy-Free Allergy-FreeRecipes Allergy-freerecipes Allergy-Friendly Allergy-Home Amusement-Parks Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis-Action-Plan Anaphylaxis-action-plan APFED Asian-fare Asthma Awareness Back-To-School Back-to-school Baking bank Behavior Behavioral-Health Birthday Parties blog Blog Board-certified-allergist Bowls Bullying Busy Parents Camp Camp-tag Camp-TAG campaign Campaign CampTAG Camptag Canada Candy Caregivers Catered-events CDC Celebrations Celiac Celiac-Disease CEO Checklists Chicago Children Children with Allergies Christmas Civil-Rights civil-rights Civil-rights civilrights Civilrights Classroom Classroom Activities coalition Coalition College Compassion Contest CookbookAuthor cookbookauthor Cooking Coping Strategies Coronavirus Covid-19 COVID19 Dairy Dating DBV Technologies DBV-Technologies DEI Dining-Out Dining-out diningout Diningout Disaster-Preparedness Disasters Diversity Divvies Dorm Dorm Life early-intro Early-Intro Earthquake Easter Eating Education effort Egg EGID elementary Elementary Emergencies Emergency Emergency Plan Emotional Emotions Empathy EoE eosinophil Eosinophil Eosinophil-Awareness eosinophilicawareness eosinophilicawarnessweek epinephrine Epinephrine Equity FAACT FAACT Digital Influencer Summit FAACT-Teen-Conference Faact-teen-conference FAACT10Years FAACTs-Teal-Ghost FAACTs-TEAL-Heart FAAM FAAW Faaw FABConference FabConference Family FARRP Feelings Field-Trips Fish Floods food Food Food Allergies food-allergies Food-Allergies Food-Allergy Food-allergy Food-Allergy-Awarness-Month food-allergy-blog Food-allergy-blog Food-Bank Food-Industry Food-Manufacturer Food-Service FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek Foodallergyawarenessweek FoodAllergyBloggers-Conference Foodallergybloggers-conference FoodService foodservice Friends Friendship Giving Global Gluten Gluten-Free Graduation Grandparent Grateful Gratititude guidelines Guidelines Halloween Hanukkah Harvey Healthcare Heart High-School Holiday Holiday Traveling Holiday-Tips Holiday-tips Holidays Housing Hurricane ID Inclusion Industry Italy Juneteenth Know-The-FAACTs Know-the-faacts KyleDine Kyledine label Label Legacy Little-Northern-Bakehouse Manufacturer Martin Luther King Jr. Medic-alert Medic-Alert Medical Medical-alert-id Medical-Alert-ID Medical-id Medical-ID Medical-Singles Medication medications Medications Mental-Health Mental-Health-Awareness-Month Milk MLK Day MLK Jr. Mom Mother Mothers-Day MothersDay National-Peanut-Board Natural-Disasters NEAW Nima Nonprofit NPB Nurse Nurses nutfree-wok Nutfree-wok Nutrition Office Oral-Food-Challenge OWYN Parent Parent Guide Passover patient Patient Peanut peanut Peanut-Allergy Peanut-Butter pediatrician Pediatrician Picnic Pinterest Preparedness President Professional-Women Programs Psych PTSD Quarantine readlabels Readlabels Recipes Registered-Dietitians Registered-dietitians relief Research Residence-Hall Resilience Resources Restaurant Rights Risk Risk-taking Roommates Safety-Tips Safety-tips school School School-Lunch School-lunch School-nurse School-Nurse School-Resources School-resources secondary Secondary self-care Self-Care Self-care Senior Sesame Shellfish shelter Soy Spring Spring-Break Student Summer summer Summer-camp Summer-Camp Sunscreen Super-Bowl support Support Support-Group Support-group Teacher Teal Teal-Love Teal-Moments Teal-Pumpkin-Project Teal-Voices Teen-Conference Teen-conference Teen-Retreat TeenRetreat Teens Thank-You Thanksgiving Tia Mowry Time Saving Meal Prep Tips Top9 Tornados Traditional-Chinese-Medicine Traditional-chinese-medicine Traditions Transportation Travel Traveling Tree-Nuts TreeNuts Tweens UberEats United States University Vacation vacation Valentine Valentines-Day Valentines-day Vitality Vitality-Bowls Walmart WAO Welcome Wheat WHO Wildfires Work Workforce Workplace
Allergy-Friendly Halloween Fun
by Lisa Horne, FAACT Director of Marketing
For people living with food allergies and their families, Halloween can be one of the scariest times of the year. Not the goblins or ghouls – it’s the knock...

by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT’s Vice President of Community Relations
Time to dust off lunch boxes and backpacks as you print out your student’s updated Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan. Saying ...

Safely Splash into Summer
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT’s Vice President of Community Relations
While unpacking my beach chair last month – the one with the soft straps that allow me to carry it like a backpack – my mind wande...

College Crunch Time
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT Vice President of Community Relations
The next few weeks, when your student sits down to decide which college they will call home for the next four years, might be a mix ...

Valentine's Gems To Warm Your Heart
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT Vice President of Community Relations
I love a good, old-fashioned gushy moment about unconditional love printed on a frilly pink card. As I recently cruised the greeting...

by Eleanor Garrow-Holding, FAACT President & CEO
I think we all feel a bit like that character in "Groundhog Day" who wakes up every morning to relive the same day. The fatigue of this pandemic is we...

by Emery Gewirtz, M.A., School Psychology, FAACT Director of Behavioral Health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month AND Food Allergy Awareness Month. While it is a coincidence that these two importan...

You realize your anxiety levels are rising to a level that impacts your daily life, and nothing you're doing seems to be helping.
An anaphylactic reaction occurs, and now you can't stop worrying abou...

Food Allergy Anxiety in Kids - 5 Tips for Parents
Food allergy-knowledgeable licensed behavioral healthcare providers will inevitably get calls from parents seeking guidance on helping their child with food allergy-related anxiety at some point. Sign...

Isn’t it so exciting to see the increase of teal pumpkins and ghosts appearing at more houses each year!? Teal Halloween stands for so many things. It’s awareness of food allergies but helps include A...