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Welcome to the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team

Whether you are newly diagnosed or a long-time member of the allergy community, FAACT is your home for education, advocacy, and connections with other individuals affected by food allergies and life-threatening anaphylaxis.

FAACT's mission is to educate, advocate, and raise awareness for all individuals and families affected by food allergies and life-threatening anaphylaxis. Whether it’s keeping children safe at school, responding to food allergy bullying, traveling, preparing for college, dealing with workplace issues, or simply taking the family out for dinner, FAACT has the resources you need to manage food allergies and stay healthy. FAACT is your voice for food allergy awareness.

Join us for educational training and support, summits across the country, and many program offerings. Connect with FAACT through social media for the latest food allergy and anaphylaxis research. Be sure to support our mission and "SUBSCRIBE" to receive our monthly e-newsletter with news and practical tips.

FAACT is here to support you in managing your food allergies – today, tomorrow, and into the future. We #KnowTheFAACTs about food allergies and anaphylaxis!

Our Blog

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Creative Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day with Your Family

Creative Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day with Your Family

by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT Vice President of Community Relations

Family life is one of the most precious things we have. It is the heart...

Valentine's Day


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I am the mom of a son with numerous severe allergies and the co-director of our state's food allergy support group. FAACT's Civil Rights Advocacy Resource Center and the work that FAACT does to support the civil rights of those of us living with severe food allergies is invaluable and unprecedented. When I was working with my son's school to create his 504 plan, I relied on all the 504 information available on the FAACT website and presented the information to his school. I routinely refer members of our group to FAACT's site for civil rights information and education as many members have difficulty navigating the school environment with food allergies. This compendium of information is not available elsewhere and saves all of us families immeasurable time from having to research and create this information on our own. FAACT's information is accurate, organized, and reliable. My family is beyond grateful for the work that FAACT is doing in the civil rights area.

Charlotte J., New Mexico

Thank you so much for all of your support and help you have given. I am so grateful and appreciative. I have learned so much from you in a short time and am so grateful for all of the resources at FAACT.

Stephanie L., California

I have been a support group leader for families living with food allergies since 2003. I am constantly asked for resources to help our members manage living with food allergies. I always send them to FAACT’s website. There they can find all the help they need for a host of issues. FAACT has a number of incredibly helpful free, downloadable resources. In particular, I often get asked questions about issues relating to Civil Rights Advocacy. This is an area that is very underserved by the food allergy community other than by FAACT. FAACT not only has a plethora of resources on the Civil Rights Advocacy section of their website, but they actually have a staff member dedicated to Civil Rights Advocacy. I cannot even count how many people I have sent to FAACT for help with specific situations. No other not-for-profit out there offers that kind of individualized assistance, let alone a complimentary service. I have relied on them personally for help with issues related to my own daughter, as well. The food allergy community would be lost without FAACT and the civil rights assistance they offer.

Jill M., New York

Our Sponsors

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Aquestive supports FAACT's mission-based education and awareness initiatives and FAACT's Roundtable Podcast, as well as our peer programs, which include FAACT's Camp TAG (The Allergy Gang), FAACT's Allergy Summit, and FAACT's Global Food Industry & Research Summit.

Red Plate Foods supports FAACT's Camp TAG (The Allergy Gang) and FAACT's Allergy Summit.

Vermont Nut Free Chocolates logo

Vermont Nut Free Chocolates supports FAACT's Camp TAG (The Allergy Gang) and FAACT's Allergy Summit. Vermont Nut Free Chocolates also provides In-Kind donations for all of our programs.

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